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Pride and Prejudice

You know the situation.  You are looking forward to a "night in" with your girl.  You want her to know you are a sensitive, modern and caring boy.  You are standing at the video store with her and she keeps suggesting chick flicks.   You know you have to go with one of her suggestions because it is her turn to pick.  Here's what you can expect from Pride and Prejudice:

This is the classic Jane Austen "Chick Flick" but I have some good news for you: There are a few things to enjoy if you are a heterosexual male and not really into this type of historical brooding knight-in-shining-armor story.

First, Keira Knightly (Elizabeth Bennett) is unbelievably hot. I mean like out of control. I just stared at her in every scene. She was a babe in Love Actually, but here it's just right over the top. It was hard to actually keep track of the dialogue when she is on screen because I'm so focused on her.  Second, Tom Hollander who plays the bumbling Mr. Collins is a genius. The guy reminds me of a Victorian era Adam Sandler trying to pick up women. And when Keira Knightly isn't on screen he steals the show and gets you through some slow parts. Third, there are some great outdoor scenes in England's Peak District where hills in the north of England really make me want to do some serious hiking.   You may even be able to convince your girl to do some camping or hiking if you are into that.  Fourth, did I mention how hot Keira Knightly is? So suck it up, buy some popcorn and Raisinettes, and rent the DVD your girls wants.  She'll appreciate your sensitivity and the evening won't be a total loss.

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